Thematic Portfolios
Invest in the trends you think will change the world without exposing your money to unnecessary risk.
We’re licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (CE No. BQE542)
Diversify into new sectors
Gain exposure to new sectors that aren’t available in most balanced portfolios and supplement your existing investments with strong equity diversification.
Get professionally-crafted Thematic Portfolios
Put your money into portfolios that have been thoroughly researched and stress-tested by some of the top fund managers in the world.
Gain thematic exposure without excessive risk
Maximise your thematic exposure while keeping your risk under control with assets dynamically allocated based on your risk preference.
Our Thematic Portfolios
We’ve identified the themes that have the potential to transform the world. Which ones will you put your money behind?
Keeping your risk under control
Focus on the long-term wins
Are you ready to put capital towards major future drivers of growth?
More reasons to invest in Thematic Portfolios
Put your money behind your convictions
Frequently Asked Questions
How do Thematic Portfolios fit into my financial plan?
Thematic Portfolios can be a strong addition to a core investment strategy. Thematic Portfolios have a lot of long-term equity exposure, making them a great way to add diversification to your existing investment plan. Thematic Portfolios are higher risk compared to our General Investing portfolios. This means that they’re certainly not a replacement for a balanced retirement plan and other savings plans, but they do have the potential to complement long-term financial plans. If you’re a starting investor we recommend you take a look at our General Investing portfolio.
What are Thematic Portfolios?
Thematic Portfolios are a long-term investment product which allows you to invest in what you believe could transform the world. They are aimed to maximise exposure to promising long-term trends within your risk preference. Thematic Portfolios are grouped around different promising trends and are composed of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), as well as balancing assets (non-thematic instruments). You can learn more here.
What are the fees involved in Thematic Portfolios?
Our annual management fee for Thematic Portfolios ranges between 0.2% and 0.8%, average expense ratio charged by ETF fund managers is 0.52%. However, there are no minimum investment deposit, no subscription, switching, and rebalancing fees. Learn more about our pricing here.
What does ‘balancing assets’ mean?
When you create Thematic Portfolios with StashAway, you choose the StashAway Risk Index (SRI). Based on the risk you select, we’ll maximise your exposure to the themes and add the so-called balancing assets as the remainder. Balancing assets are the non-thematic instruments included in your Thematic Portfolios to ensure your risk levels are under control.
How are the thematic ETFs selected?
Our investment team has narrowed down hundreds of the world's best thematic ETFs by analysing three criteria. How efficiently the fund is managed by evaluating their tracking error versus the target asset class, how cost-efficient the fund is (total expense ratio), and how easy it is to redeem and invest into the fund (liquidity).